We can't believe the kids are 5 months old already. They are growing like crazy. Travis is over 12 lbs now, Piper is over 11 and Campbell is bringing up the rear at just over 10 lbs. Health wise, they are doing great. Campbell hasn't had a reflux incident in over a month so she is off all medication and rapidly gaining weight...she will have caught up to her brother and sister by the next update.
They are all becoming much more 'social' and responding to our cues by grinning and smiling all the time. Campbell is still the most alert. She doesn't sleep much during the day as she really doesn't want to miss a thing going on around her. Piper is still the best sleeper and Travis is the best eater.
We are now on day 3 of all kids sleeping through (the majority of) the night. They get their last bottle at 11pm and we don't really hear from them until 5 or 6. It's been great for us (and the nanny) to get a good night's sleep. We will be eliminating the 11pm bottle in a few days and we hope that will be the end of our sleepless nights (ok, we can dream can't we?)
Bubbles came to visit us and the kids last weekend and we had a great time. The kids took right to her and we miss her already. Momo is coming to see us this sunday. We have missed our daily talks with her and can't wait to spend some time with her and the kids. Until the next update (I promise to be a better blogger), here are some recent photos:
Campbell loves her puppy hat |
Travis on a stroll to the Museum |
Piper after lunch (she's happy!) |
Nap Time |
Piper with her doll from Grandma |
Campbell with her dog from Grandma |
Travis with his toy from Grandma |